A year at the school of engineering

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Few girls consider technical studies an option. And those who do, usually head straight for one of Sweden’s two major cities, Stockholm or Gothenburg. How do they interest more girls in studying at a technical university in the middle of nowhere – at the School of Engineering in Jönköping?

Maybe not by just sending the conventional catalogue. They needed something to raise their interest before the flood of university catalogues comes pouring through their mail slots. The target group was final year science major girls. Its hard to disregard the chance of looking into your own future and a planner that is all about you, than a 30-page catalogue. The planner also does a better job of describing the adventure that a few years at the School of Engineering in Jönköping can offer. It contains loads of things that is individual to each girl, and specifically adapted for every time planner. This makes it practically impossible not to flick through. Like, for example, gym membership and student union cards. It also contains a newspaper article which is designed exclusively for the recipient.

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In order to make the time planner feel authentic, each copy was prepared by hand. Before the catalogue was distributed, a time planner was sent out to the target group. One girl in each class got a planner, so that she would spread the word to her classmates. When the catalogue arrived a month later, it was much harder to disregard it. In total, 150 individually adapted time planners were sent out. When the recipient opened the time planner, she realized it was all about her, from beginning to end. It details everything about her coming year at the School of Engineering, right down to her birthday plans. Their survey showed: 100% target group penetration. 97% now have a more positive attitude towards the school. 83% have shown the calendar to at least 40 people. 24% name the school as a viable option when choosing a school this spring.

Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

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