A message can be expressed in many ways

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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It can be expressed in a straight way. It can be expressed in a subtle way. It can also be expressed in a completely complicated way.. This campaign for tv3 conveys the message in a subtle way, but in a complicated way.

The print campaign, developed by Bassat Ogilvy, Barcelona aims to promote its interactive health care program which begins on the channel. It apparently deals with rare diseases as we can guess from the title (I want to know what I’m fighting against.
Over 7000 rare diseases nobody sees.

The ads show the faces of people who are hit by invisible hands, which are the symbols of rare diseases.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development


Advertising Agency: Bassat Ogilvy, Barcelona, Spain

Executive Creative Directors: Camil Roca, Oscar Pla

Art Directors: Ariadna Collazos, Fabiano Oliveira

Copywriter: Manu Cárdenas

Illustrator: Marta Cerdà

Photographer: Garrigosa Studio

Postproduction: Garrigosa Studio

Via: Ads of the world
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Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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