A long night – Awareness campaign to help homeless children

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Strange as it may sound, Australian cities have a large amount of street children who risk elements and of course, prying eyes. Many of these homeless children are abandoned and are vulnerable to drug usage, sexual abuse, malnutrition, and of course, the lack of a safe place to sleep. Open Family, an Australian Non-Governmental Organization sought the help of Grey Worldwide, an Australian ad agency to create a touching awareness campaign to attract people’s and the government’s attention towards these less fortunate kids. The NGO, further has tried to make people aware that most abandoned children had a terrible experience at home and fell into the traps later.

An ad whispers in a somber note ‘Many young drug users get their first hit at home’ or try to bring attention to the fact that street children lack a good diet. The most disturbing of these ads might be the one, which questions what a child could do when the monster is not under the bed but in it. This probably brings attention to child sex abusers and pedophiles. The ad seems to have generated a lot of appreciation for its effectiveness in creating awareness about the problem of homeless children. Aptly called the ‘longest night appeal’ the ad succeeds in diverting attention towards street children and those who are vulnerable ones that have a very long night, for they can’t sleep in peace or safety.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

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Via: PubAddict

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