Top 5 blog web hosting myths

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Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Are you a blogger who feels like you should have concerns about the operations of your blog? You aren’t alone. Thousands of bloggers have their thoughts conflicting myth with fact when it comes to successfully managing your own blog. Depending on how you setup your blog, it can become a simple or difficult task to manage. To bust the myths, the team from Host Geek has addressed the top 5 hosting myths experienced by bloggers.

Unlimited bandwidth

There seems to be a lack of clarity when it comes to understanding what comes with unlimited bandwidth. Most bloggers will associate unlimited bandwidth with speed, whereas it usually refers to the amount of files that can be uploaded or downloaded within your contract period. Additionally, unlimited bandwidth will usually allow you access to unlimited disk space as well.

Inexpensive hosting is bad

In the early days, expensive hosting was associated with good hosting. Anything that was inexpensive tended to have a poor reputation. Over the years, the cost of web hosting has come down dramatically, while still providing a top tier service. Shared hosting and virtual private servers provide high quality hosting options without the hefty price tag. You will pay more for a dedicated server, however the price still offers good value for money.

Self hosting is complicated

Once upon a time, hosting a blog by yourself meant that you needed to learn about coding and managing servers. Web hosting companies have improved the ability for people to set up their site in a few clicks and to develop a professional site by investing in design themes. You can manage a blog completely from the CMS (content management system) console. Additionally, if you need added functionality within your blog, there will be plenty ‘off-the-shelf’ options to install widgets and modules that will help you get the blog that you want. Additionally, the server and database management is typically managed by the web hosting provider, so you can have better peace of mind and focus on developing your blog’s content.

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A little downtime is ok.

Downtime is the bane of website performance. Ideally, you want to partner with a hosting provider that can guarantee you as much uptime as possible when it comes to hosting your blog. Should your site experience downtime, you could lose website visitors since they would be unable to access your site. If your blog is creating a source of income for you, this will negatively impact your earnings. Additionally, downtime can impact your website’s SEO performance over the long-term. Uptime is vital, so seek out web hosting providers that have a good reputation and that can minimize the downtime of your website. Check out the options from Host Geek to see how to transfer a website with no downtime here.

You don’t need to host a blog on your website.

While you have the option not to host a blog on your website, it is ideal that you do. If you keep your blog on another website such as a microsite, or host it on a blogging platform with a subdomain, you are sending all of the traffic to the other website. What you want to do is keep people on your own website as long as possible. Hosting the blog on a subdirectory of your website would be the ideal solution since you could easily redirect traffic to internal pages within your website and any SEO benefits from internal and external links are also shared across your main website.


These are just five of the many concerns and myths that bloggers face. As blogging continues to evolve, web hosting businesses are making it easier for bloggers to start publishing online. Whether you are a new or established blogger, take a look at some options today.


Article Submitted By Community Writer


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