Sprint Instinct ad – When honesty pays

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Something that annoys consumers is the lack of honesty among ad makers. Advertisements usually don’t convey the real meaning and that is a big let down for most of the consumers, who expect something and the truth turns out to be something else. In such a circumstance, Sprint Instinct’s website is a refreshing change. The ad asks you quite frankly to ‘sell out’ your family. Sprint, the network provider would pay those who ‘sell out’ their family videos with cash benefits. The mantra being product placement in the most unexpected situations and spaces, Sprint urges people to allow their Samsung Instinct be featured on home videos when they upload them on YouTube. The direct YouTube uploader allows the users to connect their already uploaded videos on YouTube. The Instinct phone by Samsung could make people not only film more, but also buy the phone. Probably this is what is called a double-edged sword.

Via: Sprint Instinct, AdverLab

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