Nikon Camera: If the picture matters the camera matters too

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

nikon digital photography

Sub Head: None
Bodycopy: Your reflections, your intentions, your artistic expressions, they all matter. So does everything in the Nikon Coolpix 5400 digital camera. It has a 4x wide angle Zoom-Nikkon lens with ED glass so you can capture your subjects with perfect clarity, and 5.1 megapixels to show off their details. The 1/4,000 second shutter speed and continuous shooting up to 3 frames per second will bring dynamic action shoots to the next level. And there’s even macro shooting as close as 0.4 inches, because the way you see the world matters.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Baseline: If the picture matters the camera matters

Agency: McCann-Erickson, New York, NY

Client: Nikon Inc.

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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