Mad men are back

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Mad men is all set to enter the mini screen with a bygone smell of 1960’s admad world. On August 16, 2009, AMC will begin season three for Mad Men, the highly acclaimed drama series based on the world of advertising in the 1960s.

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Mad Men is all about Manhattan advertising firm Sterling Cooper, and its employees. The drama series, at the same time, tries to portray a peculiar American society and its wild dreams. Mad Men also sneaks into the private lives of the employees of the Sterling Cooper in an amusing way. Hypocrisies, contradictions and dreams as high as sky..mad men deals with all these things.

Through the portrayal of intriguing characters like copywriter Peggy with an illegitimate child, secretly gay Salvatore from the art department and busty Joan’s abusive fiancée, mad men is all set to tell a story of an ad mad world, again.

Via: justpressplay

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