George Best I used to go missing a lot,Miss Canada, Miss UK, Miss World…

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The fifth Beatle dead. He wont be heard in Sky Sports anymore…Today’s The Guardian headline is: life’s game as played by George Best.

Well, who’d forget his 1990 appearance on BBC Wogan show (hosted by Terry Wogan) where he was totally drunk and were escorted off the set later. The genuine legend, whom Pele once called the greatest footballer in the world truly captivated the world as well the media for his off and on field charisma.

Just imagine, this playboy had to take uninterrupted 24 hours police protection as he was chased by crazy women fans day and night. The rumor mills believed he used to get letters written in blood and from fans around the world he used to receive not less than 15000 letters in a week. There were half a dozen full time staffers who used to answer these mails.

The craze.
Abc reports

Best was as much a part of the 60s in Britain as The Beatles and Carnaby Street. He had clothing salons named after him, and gave his endorsement to nightclubs, decades before the likes of Shane Warne and David Beckham became both advertising icons and tabloid fodder.

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The real best?

Sfgate says

Like Maradona, he could dribble his way to magnificent goals. Like Beckham, his showbiz elan often overshadowed his ability.

Where did it all go wrong?

It (the waiter) recalls a night when Best, then 25 but already verging toward self-destruction, won $30,000 at the tables of a London casino.
His companion that evening was one of the many beauty queens he dated, and they celebrated by adjourning to his hotel suite and ordering Dom Perignon.
When the waiter brought the champagne, the half-undressed woman was on the bed and the money was scattered all around the room.
Best gave the waiter a huge tip.
The waiter glanced around the room and replied: “Well, George, where did it all go wrong?”

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Football’s first pop star. From Scotsman

George Best, The legend at Mirror UK


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