5 Social media updates to help you while job hunting

job hunting
Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Social media has now become a very important tool for prospective employees as well as employers. Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, etc. have become important tools for job searches across the world. Via social media, one can easily build connections as well as share information; essential components needed for a successful job search. This explains why in addition to maintaining an active online presence, you need to follow these social media updates to enhance your job hunting chances.

5 Social media updates to employ

  • Clean Up

Make it a point to clean up your social media profiles. Employers will be scouting your social media accounts to check for relevant information on your resume. So remove anything that may look offensive, including photos, tags and even status updates.

  • Update About Section

Make it a point to keep the ‘About’ information on all your social media accounts correct and up to date. Important information like school, current job, etc. need to be reflected uniformly throughout all your accounts so that potential employers don’t get confused with conflicting details.

  • Include Professional Summary

Beautiful businesswoman reading news at laptop isolated on white

A professional summary on your social media account reflecting your interests, passions and accomplishments can act as a suitable elevator pitch for prospective employers scouting your resume.

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  • Interact with Influencers

Consider joining a conversation with professionals from your preferred field. This will increase your exposure to potential employers who may be friends with the individuals in your group.

  • Showcase Best Works

Use your social media skills to highlight your best skills, including your best works. Visual content has better reach than non-visual content. Hence your employers will have greater chances to understanding how you work via your online profile.

Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some mistakes you need to avoid while updating your social media account as well.

  • Public Profile

While you need to keep some information open to employers, keeping personal information private is considered a must. After all, you don’t want every other stranger to keep peeping into your profile.

  • Displaying Unprofessional Photos

Potential employers will most probably not be impressed by a profile photo showing you all drunk at a party. If you want your social media account to reflect your professional side, keep the photos professional too.

  • Bashing Previous Employers

If you use your social media account to bash your previous employers, trust us when we say future employers will think twice before hiring you. Never use your social media accounts as ways to vent out your frustrations against ex bosses or colleagues. Keep it professional.

Maintaining an active social media account is considered essential to hunt for prospective jobs as well as attract potential employers these days. In addition to updating your social media account with these tips, you also need to avoid certain mistakes that could cost you a job.

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