Garudasana – Know the ins and outs of Eagle Pose or Garudasana


How majestic does an eagle look as it takes position to pounce upon the nimblest of its preys! The Eagle Pose or Garudasana takes its inspiration from the same mythic king of the birds. Especially beneficial for strengthening leg muscles and normalizing blood flow, the Eagle yoga pose helps practitioners to relax the joints in their legs and arms. The advanced yoga pose includes certain clear-cut steps that require extreme focus on the part of the practitioner.

Steps Involved

1. First you need to stand in Tadasana. Now, bend your knees and draw your left foot upward. Wrap the left foot over your right leg and rest the left thigh on your right thigh. Your left toes should point toward the floor as you balance on your right foot.

2. Now stretch your arms parallel to the floor and cross them at the elbows, left over right. Next, bend your elbows and press your palms together while making sure that your fingers are pointed upward.

3. Now inhale and hold this posture for 15 to 30 seconds. Finally, unwind your legs and return to tada-asana. You may reverse your legs and repeat the posture.


1. The Eagle Pose is highly beneficial for people suffering with hydrocele, low backache and sciatica.

2. This pose strengthens your ankles, calves, thighs, hips, shoulders and upper back.

3. If you wish to improve your concentration and sense of balance, you’ll find this exercise exceedingly helpful.


1. While doing this yoga pose, try to keep your body as straight as is possible.

2. For maintaining perfect balance during the Eagle Pose or Garudasana, gaze at some fixed point in front of you.


People suffering with asthma or knee injuries should avoid this pose. If willing to do it, they should seek expert advice.

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