6 Yoga poses to improve your health and mood

The Setubandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose

The fast-paced life in the modern world makes one susceptible to many kinds of stresses and strains. To combat these new-age problems, we have some remedies from the ancient times – Yoga!

These postures that the wise people of the East adopted, benefit not only the body. They boost the mind and spirit as well. Here are 6 such yoga poses that are sure to brighten your mood.

1. The Sethubandha Sarvangasana

The Setubandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose

This is also known as the Bridge pose. To do it, lie down on your back with your hands by your side. The palms of your hand should be facing upward. Now, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet completely resting on the floor. Your knees and your feet must be parallel to each other. Gently raise yourself by lifting your back and buttocks off the floor. The weight should lie on the back of the shoulders. You can use a pillow under your back as a bolster or support. This will make the asana more comfortable to perform. This pose will relax your entire being. The mind will get calm and the whole body gets a boost of energy.

2. The Savasana

Savasana or the Corpse pose

This is also known as the corpse pose. Lie down on a mat. Let the hands lie by the side of your body, facing upward. Just let go of the whole body. Relax all the muscles, one by one. Start from the calves and move the wave of relaxing to the thighs, stomach, chest, neck, and shoulders. Breathe gently and now relax the facial muscles also. Focus on nothing but your breathing process. This pose, if done correctly will refresh you as much as a good sleep. It will energize and activate you.

3. The Padmasana

The Padmasana or Lotus Pose

The Lotus pose is the one that is used by spiritual aspirants for most of their spiritual practices. It awakens one not only physically, but even mentally and in the spirit! It is beneficial in every way. To do this, spread a mat on the floor and sit on it. Cross your legs in a manner that the left foot rests on the right thigh and vice versa. Sit straight and rest your hands on your legs, at the knees. Make a loop by touching the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger in each hand and spread out the other three fingers. Close your eyes and concentrate on your gentle breathing. This pose will enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem and also give you a sense of serenity.

4. The Matsyasana

The Matsyasana or Fish Pose

This is called the fish pose and is the best way to open up the heart. Again, this has multiple benefits. It opens up the rib cage to provide more room for the lungs to expand. It is also believed to expand the spiritual centers also. To do this, lie down on your back with your hands, palm-down, by the side. Raise the upper half of your body and take your hands below your buttocks. Stretch out the chest and drop back your head as far as it can go without straining you. You can use a pillow or a yoga block for support under the back.

5. The Salabhasana

The Salabhasana or Locust Pose

This is also called as the locust pose. Apart from opening up the heart, it also helps fight off depression at the mental level and low energy at the physical level. It lends relief from neck pain, bladder pain and gas problems. To do it, lie down on your belly on a mat. The hands are by your side with the palms facing upward. Gently lift the head, chest, arms and the legs as high as possible. Do not strain yourself and hold the position for as long as you can. Optionally, you can proceed to hold your feet with your hands and stretch into a bow. Then return to the complete rest position and take a few breaths.

6. The Urdhvamukha Svanasna

The Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Upward facing dog

This is also known as the pose of the upward facing dog. You can move into this pose from the previous locust pose. Once you relax in the neutral position, touch the toe tips to the ground. Bend and place your hands by the side of your shoulders. Gently arch and lift your upper body. Arch backwards as much as possible without any strain. Remember that only the palms and the toe tips are to be in contact with the floor. This pose also opens up your chest and mind. It seems to bring in a feeling of freshness and suppleness.

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