
Over the years, Samsung has come up with some really good and bad products. No doubt, even with the drawbacks of some of their products, the company still holds the position of being the best overall.

Canon is quite popular a brand to provide some of the best consumer products known today. One such product that falls under their bucket is the Canon EOS 5DS camera. The Japanese make Canon EOS 5DS was released in June

Has it ever happened that you had a wonderful thought but forgot it after a while? If you wish to recollect your unique thoughts, then you now have a quick way to do that. Thoughtback is a lifestyle app that

Thoughtback - Review

NHN Entertainment Corp has come up with a new health and fitness app called Pocket Runner GPS Run Cycle. This app supports the recording of a user’s fitness activities during cycling or running.

Pocket Runner GPS Run Cycle - Review

Northcube AB has come up with its health and fitness app called Sleep Cycle. This app acts like an intelligent alarm clock for users.

Sleep Cycle alarm clock - Review

My Study Life is an educational app that has been launched by My Study Life, Ltd. This app makes students organized by providing them an educational planner.

My Study Life - Review

Twitter has recently released its updated app for iPhones that is friendly to the new iOS 8 platform. While it carries several updates, the major one causing trouble to users is the location of drafts and lists. Let us review

Twitter app update for iOS 8 - Review

While you may be a die-hard fan of a music band, you may not like it to invade into your privacy by sending some unwanted stuff to you. This is exactly what recently happened when an unwanted U2 album reached

Remove unwanted U2 album with a new app: Review

BlackBerry has recently unveiled the square look of its freshly released smartphone called BlackBerry Passport. The phone will remind you of your real passport due to it similar appearance and style. Check out more about this newly launched device from

BlackBerry Passport - Review

Talking and communicating using voice is a clear way to share ideas with each other. It is also the fastest mode of presenting your ideas in exactly the same manner as you intend. Talko is a newly launched app that

Talko - Review
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