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Best exercises to reduce hip size

For a woman, fat storage happens significantly on the thighs and hips, making them look out of proportion to the rest of the body. In order to combat fat on the hips, it is important that we start doing special exercises that target the hips. Hip size c

Best exercises to reduce hip size

Lose 7 kg in 7 days: The ultimate diet plan

Losing weight is not as easy as it may seem. The exercises, diets and changes in lifestyle force several people to quit their plan in the middle. Moreover, making sudden changes in your eating and living routines may seem to be quite difficult. Therefore,

Lose 7 kg in 7 days

How to get a bikini toned body in four weeks

No matter how hard you may try you can’t deny that even you deeply yearn to have sleek and slim body which you could proudly flaunt by donning a bikini. However, for this it is very important to maintain a healthy body which contains no extra fat.Now, t

beautiful lady

Five must have in the sun

Summers have become hotter and more punishing over the years and planning a day out in the scorching heat is quite a task. Before heading out on a sunny day, one should indeed plan it out perfectly with all the accessories essential for the day to protect

sunscreen lotion
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