The iPhone is seemingly ready to take over the access and security world

Grow with Dr Prem

We love the products and honestly, there is a zing to everything Apple sells. Right from the first iPhone to the iPhone 6 Plus, there are a ton of people who swear by their Apple device. We have seen a huge shift in the amount of information that is passed on to the company that ever before. Think about it, it is not just about your cloud based account anymore. Today, you are dealing with so much more content on an iPhone – the latest being Apple Pay.

on line shopping

With the iPhone, you can now forget your credit card or ID card at home and still have a regular or awesome day. How you ask? You can simply get all these functions done through a simple tap on your phone. With the fingerprint scanner on the home button of the iPhone, users can now identify themselves and pretty much use it have an open access.

Hold your horses though, not everyone is okay with this technology just as yet. There are claims that Apple is thinking about replacing transit cards that can be used in local metro or train stations and thus make travel just a connecting dot with the iPhone. Of course, there is a huge amount of technology and information transfer that has to take place. Companies like HID global – one of the top access control providers in the world are exploring the option and while detailed information is yet to be shared, it seems likely.

fingerprint scanner

If that has not been up and running yet, the phone giant has already announced a tie-up with the famous hotel chain Starwood. The service would allow a user to use their Apple Watch to unlock and lock his door. So, no more keycards to open doors at the Starwood by the looks of it, it is important to note that the technology being used here is Bluetooth and not NFC.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

There are issues with the existing payment system and many users have claimed to have been double charged for purchases. Though these issues have been rectified, they may dampen the enthusiasm for the new system. While many companies have shown inclination towards Apple Pay, CurrentC has not. They are hoping to tap into the market themselves and will be looking at tapping into user bank accounts and ensure seamless movement.

mobile payment

There are several companies that are not interested in partnering with the technology brand. CVS & Rite Aid, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s are some of the examples. They are not looking at collaborating with Apple pay and would be looking at making an application on their own platforms to have proprietary mobile payment schemes.

Though there is a lot to happen there, there is no doubt that Apple Pay or similar systems would be a vital part of your other access in coming days. With payment clearances done so swiftly with a mere tapping of the phone, there would be so much more that can be connected with the device. For example, with an integration of your credit cards, you can sync payments readily through a fingerprint scan. At the same time, with NFC, you would travel around a single network, the scaling factor is what matters the most here and if Apple are able to pull out a single dependent system that every company would be willing to use – it would be an idea like no other.


There is no doubt that Apple is planning things much ahead with Apple Pay and by the looks of it, things are going strong too. The system might still be in its infancy, but it is showing great promise and may move forward with more features.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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