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9 Essential tips for creating a useful FAQ page

FAQ page
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For so many companies and products, the queries are too many to answer. So over a period of time they all analyze the kind of questions that come in and make the process a compilation of questions and answers. This FAQ page is a great time saver as it saves the crucial time that would be otherwise wasted in customers mailing the common queries. This also means that some of the more serious problems can be addressed personally from your side. However it is quite a task to get the perfect FAQ page. So in this article we will tell you how to do so with the right kind of sample questions which will make your page full proof.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

Some important tips to create an effective FAQ page

  1. This is to be considered a last resort:
    FAQ page
    The idea behind a successful FAQ page is that it does not have to be referred to for every instance. Try to focus on other things as well. As far as the FAQ is concerned, it is supposed to be focused upon some specific problems only. Too much of information and you might actually end up missing out on some of the more crucial information that the viewer was looking for. So be specific short and crisp in your approach and make the best FAQ page for your company.

  2. Use the public slangs and lingo: Isn’t it the masses that you are catering to? In that case you should be ideally using such language that connects with the masses and interests them. The FAQ page can have terms that would make you cringe but that really are not the point of it. It is more about appealing to the public who will visit your page. Make sure that the questions are thus clear and easily explained and do not take a step back if it comes to using a term that does not appeal to you but appeals to the masses.

  3. Be organized:
    FAQ page
    This is so true in every aspect of life that it comes across as no surprise that even when it comes to a FAQ page you have to be well organized. The queries are all under various categories and you must learn to identify them. Once you do group them under the categories they belong. This way when one visits your page they can skip a lot of redundant topics and jump straight to their exact problem. This is one of the most useful information when it comes to the FAQ page of yours.

  4. They must be questions that are indeed asked frequently: It would be silly to go for making a FAQ page without first undergoing a decent research on this matter. There are questions that you will find most of your users or customers to be asking. Only these very frequently asked questions are to be included to be a part of the FAQ page. If not so then it might end up being more of a big book that nobody wants to read.

  5. Give some visual aid:
    FAQ page

    A general problem faced by the FAQ pages is that they have no visual aid. Often what you want to convey to your user is so very technical that merely putting it down in words may not be enough for him to understand. So try including things that will make it a lot easier for the viewer. Screenshots for example are a nice way to go about it. It can also have as a part of the webpage design that you have diagrams with your explanation where you deem them to be necessary.

  6. Use good headers: Remember that your customers are not reading a thriller. They are not keen to read all the details and information and are more likely to just breeze through all that you wrote. So make sure that the headers you use are in bold and have a large font. It must be big and prominent enough to catch the eyes of the viewer. This is one of the most basic things that make your FAQ page more interesting and easy to go through.

  7. Allow search if the page is too long:
    FAQ page
    Not always will you be able to fit your FAQ page into a page. In case it extends to be too long and tedious you can make the customers job a lot easier by including the option to search. This way he or she gets to go for her exact question and can avoid wasting time on the other aspects of your FAQ page. This will make the page extremely credible and user friendly.

  8. Do not over do it: This thing is easier said than done. That is because it can be tempting to give as much information as possible to eliminate any scope of doubt. This can however be a negative aspect because in many instances it just confuses the user even further. So while you must include in your FAQ page all that you consider important, do not go overboard with it. The perfect amount is neither too long to have unnecessary information and nor is it too short to miss out on any.

  9. Remember that the customer is the most important:
    Remember that the customer is the most importan
    All that is being done is to appease that customer. So you must make sure that there is no scope for a complaint in the services that you provide through your FAQ page. There should be enough study of your customer and it must be ensured before writing a FAQ page that you know the customer well. Only then will the page be as effective as you would want it to be.

Final words

This is probably that you might have needed to know to set up the page. This is useful information because this will in the long run make your business more efficient. Follow the right statistics and the right webpage design and it would be unstoppable to put an end to your blooming business.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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