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WHO to improve cancer cure for third world victims

The world health organization is looking forward to improve the care for terminal cancer patients in the developing nations. In these developing countries, about two thirds of deaths occur due to cancer. In this parts of the world, more than often the disease is detected when it’s a little too late.


The WHO has developed new guidelines to treat this particular disease. According to these guidelines, the health organization plans to make sure that about 60% of the patients are promised to be relieved from physical, as well as emotional discomfort of this disease. These new guidelines were geared towards public health policy makers, and keeping palliative care in perspective.

The global health organization discovered that about 7.6 million people through out the globe died from cancer in the year 2005. WHO considers that the basic cancer health care falls under the fundamental rights of the people. So it’s their duty to safeguard these basic medical rights of the people worldwide i.e. the right to get treated and die with dignity.

I think this is a crucial step for the world health organization. Hopefully they will be true to their word. The guidelines were launched last Friday.

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