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Vitamin B12: The essential dietary sources



Vitamin B12, which is also called cobalamine, is a water soluble vitamin and is a part of vitamin B complex. It’s main function is to form red blood cells and contribute in maintenance of a healthy nervous system. It performs the task of blood formation with help of other nutrients like vitamin B6 and folic acid. According to the Canadian Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intake Report, the daily intake of vitamin B12 for an average adult is around 2.4 mcg. Children below the age of 13 years should consume at least 1.8 mcg of B12, while pregnant women should consume around 2.6 mcg of vitamin B12 rich foods. The elderly, pregnant women and vegetarians are sometimes at risk of suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency. Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads may create problems in the process of blood formation and further health related complications. Luckily, vitamin B12 is available in various food products. Here are some of the healthy foods rich in vitamin B12.


Oysters, clams, mussels and such shellfish are one of the richest source of vitamin B12. Along with vitamin B12, they also contain significant amounts of copper, zinc and iron. Amongst all types of shellfish, clams are the richest source of vitamin B12 as they contain 98.9 μg of vitamin B12 per 100 g serving. 98.9 μg is more than 1,600% of the required daily allowance (RDA) of B12. Oysters on the other hand contain 400% of the RDA and mussels contain around 600% of the RDA of vitamin B12. Shellfish are widely available in all parts of the world and they are a common part of the daily diet of many people. Shellfish can be eaten in various forms and cooking techniques like baking, frying, steaming, chowders and they can also be eaten in their raw form.


Caviar or fish eggs is a luxury delicacy which is often used for garnishing. But it is important to understand that they are one of the richest food sources of vitamin B12. Especially, the eggs of the white fish that contain around 56.4 μg per 100 g serving, which is around 940% of the RDA. Belonging to haute cuisine, caviar is one of the most expensive types of seafood. Depending on its size, flavor, color and the part of the world from where it’s imported, caviar may cost around USD 8,000 to USD 16,000 per kg. As mentioned earlier, caviar can be used as food garnishing or it can also be used as food spread. Sometimes, caviar is also used as a substitute for salt and other types of food seasonings.


One of the healthiest food items of all time, fish are also a rich source of vitamin B12. Along with omega 3 fatty acids and protein, various types of fish contain significant amounts of vitamin B12. Best fish sources for B12 include salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, bluefish and trout. However, mackerel is the richest fish source of vitamin B12, as it contains 19 μg per 100 g of its serving; which is around 317% of the RDA of vitamin B12. Fish can be eaten in various forms like steamed fish, fried fish and baked fish. Fish is also easily available and hence they are the best type of food to include in the daily diet.


Liver is one of the richest and healthiest source of vitamin B12. The livers of animals like cow, pig, turkey, lamb, calves, duck, moose, goose, etc. contain plenty of vitamin B12. Amongst these types of liver, lamb contains around 85.7 μg per 100 g of its serving, which adds up to more than 1,400% RDA of vitamin B12. As a result, people who eat meat should include liver recipes in their daily diet, along with fish, shellfish and other vitamin B12 rich foods. Since most liver recipes are a bit on a heavier side, you can prepare light recipes using healthier cooking methods like steaming and baking.


Along with beef liver, other parts of the cow are also a rich source of vitamin B12. Typically, the amount of vitamin B12 depends on the kind of cut which is used. By the same account, lean fat-trimmed beef chuck contains the maximum amount of vitamin B12. A 100 g of lean fat-trimmed chuck of beef contains around 6.18 μg of vitamin B12, which is more than 100% of its RDA. Beef kidneys, on the other hand, contain around 25 mcg of vitamin B12 per serving. Beef also contains other nutrients like protein, iron and zinc, making it the best non vegetarian source for vitamin B12. However, beef contains high amounts of sodium and, hence, it should be consumed in a limited amount.


Similar to beef, pork is also a rich source of vitamin B12. If you are a pork lover and also suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency, then consumption of pork recipes is a great idea. You can eat pork chops, pork liver and pork sausages to get a significant amount of vitamin B12. A 100 g serving of pork contains around 1.5 mcg of vitamin B12. However, keep in mind that the same amount of serving of pork contains more than 450 calories. Pork is also rich in sodium. Given these facts, one should limit the consumption of pork to once a week or less.


One of the healthier meat options, poultry products like chicken and especially turkey are some of the rich sources of vitamin B12. Similar to pork, a 100 g serving of turkey contains around 105 mcg of vitamin B12. Besides, turkey is also a low fat meat product and is easily available and already an inseparable part of the daily diet of many. Those who are suffering with vitamin B12 deficiency should consume various recipes made using turkey and chicken. Another interesting fact about turkey is that it helps you to lower the blood cholesterol levels. Considering all the health benefits of turkey, one should include it in the daily diet.


Eggs are called superfood because they are loaded with plenty of vitamins, minerals, protein and all the essential nutrients for a healthy body. Eggs, and especially the yolk, is a powerful source of vitamin B12. Every 100 g serving of eggs contains around 1.95 μg of vitamin B12, which is 33% of its total RDA. Eggs can be incorporated in a number of recipes like egg salad, sandwiches, egg rolls, soft boiled, hard boiled, poached, omelets, blanched, and various other methods of cooking. Since eggs provide various other nutrients also, they should be consumed on a daily basis.

Dairy products

Along with being a great source of protein and vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D, dairy products also contain significant amounts of vitamin B12. Various dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are the best foods rich in vitamin B12, especially for vegetarians. While one cup of milk contains around 1 mcg of vitamin B12, one cup of plain yogurt contains around 1.5 mcg of vitamin B12. Various types of cheese also contain high amounts of vitamin B12. Amongst all the types of cheese, Swiss cheese contains the maximum amount of vitamin B12 which is more than 55% of the required daily allowance of vitamin B12. All these facts make dairy products the best source of vitamin B12.

Fortified breakfast cereals

Various fortified breakfast cereals that are available in grocery stores are also a good source of vitamin B12, especially for vegetarians. According to the Food and Drug Administration, breakfast cereals that are fortified with vitamins and minerals are a great source of energy and other nutrients, including vitamin B12. Various breakfast cereals like cornflakes, oatmeal and other unsweetened flakes and cereals provide a significant amount of vitamin B12. Cocoa Krispies are on the USDA food list for the best sources of vitamin B12. A ¾ cup of Cocoa Krispies contain more than 2 mcg of vitamin B12.


Seaweed is also a powerful source of nutrients. Various types of seaweeds and algae like kelp, wakame, blue-green algae, etc. are rich with vitamin B12. People who do not eat non-plant foods can definitely consume recipes like seaweed salad to fulfill the need of vitamin B12. However, according to various nutritionists and dietitians, seaweed and other such food sources cannot be considered as consistent sources of vitamin B12. Hence, they should be supplemented by other food sources that have been mentioned in this list of foods.


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