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Two Parkinson's drugs found responsible for Heart-Valve disease!

Commonly used drugs to treat Parkinson diseases, dopamine agonists Permax (pergolide) and Dostinex (cabergoline) have been associated with an increased risk of cardioac-valve regurgitation. Before hauling out this conclusion Rene Schade, M.D., of Charite-Universitatsm edizin Berlin and colleagues used data from the United Kingdom General Practice Research Database of about 11,417 patients who were between the ages of 40 to 80 years and were treated with these anti-Parkinson drugs from 1988 to 2005. On the basis of their analysis researchers concluded that potent 5-hydroxytryptamine 2B (5-HT2B) agonists, Permax and Dostinex gave rise to diseases among which cardiac valve disease, which affect mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves was most prominent.

This is really a startling revelation, which compels us to rethink that how far using such drugs can be safe for our health. Actually, there are many other diseases which have shown several kinds of side effects and many of which are fatal. Therefore, it is quite important that all the pros and cons should be ruminated over before bringing a particular drug into the market, otherwise drugs, which are supposed to save lives, may take lives.

Image credit: Playfuls

Via: Medpage Today

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