The Benefits of Having a Mobile Health Application

Mobile Health Application

The trend of cross-platform mobile app development has unleashed the power of the hybrid mobile apps in all domains of industries, especially in global healthcare . Every software development company strives hard to benefit from the trend of hybrid app development. The impact of the mobile app on the wellness and medical health of a person are amazing, as indicated in the books by Dr Prem Jagyasi.

The increased popularity of the Ionic framework for developing hybrid apps has pushed the total cost of hiring an Ionic team in the global marketplace. How to hire a mobile app developer is not less than an uphill challenge for enterprise in the marketplace. The total global market of mHealth apps is expected to cross the $111.8 billion mark by 2025 according to the Grand View Research. Let’s talk about the immense benefits of mobile health applications in improving public health and software businesses in the marketplace.

The Benefits of Having a Mobile Health Application

Can mobile health apps change the global healthcare scenario?

According to Goldman Sachs, digital revolution has the potential in enabling $300 billion savings for healthcare providers.  It is true mobile applications are solving some problems that are hailing global healthcare. According to a report published in mobihealthnews, Google download of health apps crossed 400 million in 2018, a 15% surge in total global downloads recorded in 2016 and 17.

The evolution of smartphone technology and mobile apps would reshape healthcare delivery with caregivers and patients taking equal interest in it.  Let’s talk about the immense benefits of mobile health applications in improving public health and software businesses in the marketplace.

What Is Mobile Health App?

Mobile Health Application

Mobile applications are basically data-driven software programs that take data from different sources like patients, medicines, doctors, and other sources and process intelligently to produce the desired results. These programs are installed on mobile devices. These software programs use different sensors to get the data from the users, environments and connected networks to help you make intelligent decisions about health problems.

The health insurance app, health monitoring app, and health equity mobile app are a few examples of health mobile apps. Other than these apps, there are numerous mobile and desktop applications based on augmented reality and virtual reality technology in the marketplace. Those applications are extensively used for remote healthcare, surgery, and many others healthcare procedures as explained in this video.

The impact of technology in global healthcare, especially software technology has increased substantially in recent decades.  The internet of things (IoT), digital medical records (DMR), and remote healthcare are major technological domains that use different kinds of mobile applications to target audience of interest. Mobile apps improve user experience by providing the user-friendly mobile app user interface and other useful features that make the life of user so easy and simple.

Mobile Health Apps in the Healthcare Industry

The total market size of mobile health apps was about $10 billion in 2017 and will grow at over 15% CAGR to cross $31 billion by 2020 according to the R2G forecast. In the current global healthcare market, mobile apps are used for almost all major healthcare activities from patient registration to medical procedures and surgeries.

Healthcare mobile applications are also hugely used in healthcare insurance, healthcare monitoring, remote medication, healthcare tourism, and many other domains. Mobile apps help change the healthcare industry in multiple ways like digitization of medical records, telemedicine, and others. Technology in healthcare is continuously gaining grounds with innovative ideas and modern research findings to make the healthcare industry as the most sophisticated one.

8 Major Benefits of Mobile Apps in the Healthcare Industry

Mobile Apps in the Healthcare Industry

The share of healthcare mobile applications is huge in the industry. There were more than 325,000 healthcare mobile applications in 2017. The total number of mobile applications added to the previous tally in just one year is more than 78,000 apps. These statistics clearly indicate the attraction for healthcare mobile apps. Every mobile app development company is aggressively looking for healthcare hybrid mobile app developers in the marketplace.

Let’s have a look at the major benefits offered by the healthcare mobile apps to the users and the industry.

#1 Reduced Prescription Error

Irrespective of the native vs hybrid app, mobile applications reduce the overall prescription issues that result in an adverse impact on the patients. According to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information data, as much as 70% of total medication errors are associated with prescription errors. With the help of mobile apps, a substantial improvement in prescription errors was noticed. The automated prescription system connected with the mobile applications solves the issue of prescription errors significantly.

#2 Better Patient Management


The mobile apps are the best companion for the patients to manage the medication dosages, personal care, and effective communication with the concerned medical support center. Despite a substantial increase in the mobile app development cost, the benefits of mobile apps are huge for a patient in this highly competitive social environment. A patient care mobile app is effective enough in monitoring the health conditions of a patient, alerting for the medication dose, and auto-alerting for a support team or a doctor.

#3 Reduced in Physician Burnout

According to the American Medical Association research report 2017, a huge increase of burnout ratio in all specialties has been noticed as compared to the previous report. In the rheumatology specialty, a huge jump was observed. It jumped 14 positions up as compared to other disciplines.

The emergency medicine is still on the top of the list. The doctors and physicians are able to dedicate just 27% of their time on patients. The A huge portion of time is spent on administrative, data access and other activities.

Mobile applications are helpful in reducing the physicians’ burnout ratio in all sectors. Thus, the overall efficiency of physicians, doctors, and surgeons increase significantly. But how to reduce development cost for mobile apps is still a big challenge for the healthcare industry.

#4 Improved Diagnostic Precision


A huge ratio of physicians (93%) believes that mobile apps are very useful in improving the healthcare of patients. According to the JMIR Publication survey, more than 53% of the Americans use healthcare mobile apps for their healthcare management. The reason behind such huge trust in mobile apps is the accuracy in the diagnostic processes. Numerous technologies and project management methodologies have increased the accuracy of the software technologies used in the development of mobile application.

#5 Boon for Medical Caregivers

Healthcare mobile applications proved as a boon for the caregivers and family members. A large number of Americans using mobile apps are suffering from chronicle diseases, so they need regular care and monitoring. The mobile apps have increased the efficiency of caregivers in their profession. Now, they are able to earn more without taking extra stress and burnout.

#6 A blessing for remotely located patients

 Mobile Health Application

The present era of Smartphone and internet has also brought far flung areas into the loop. Remotely located people are also reaping the benefits of having a mobile health application. These are not only facilitating quick appointment fixing with doctors of their choice but also helping in medicine procurement without traveling. Regular push notifications are also providing valuable health tips.

#7 Opening up new business opportunities:

Through healthcare apps, it is easy to make referrals of doctors and clinics opening up fresh business opportunities for them.

#8 Facilitates paperless information storage:

The growing usage of mobile devices like smartphone, tabs, laptops and PDAs has caused a decline in paper usage which is good for the environment.  One of the important benefits of having a mobile health application is information storage which can be done in the cloud. This not only cuts hospital supply cost but also reduces clutter in doctor’s clinics. Moreover, the patient information is kept secured.

Impact of Healthcare Mobile Apps on Industry

Mobile Health Application

The mobile app development industry is growing with over 32.5% CAGR during 2017 and 2020. The revenue of the industry is expected to just double within the period of 3 years. You can see an increasing trend of healthcare mobile application downloading trends. According to the Micro Tech Staffing report, healthcare stands at No.1 in terms of demand for software developers.

A large number of those developers work on the mobile and enterprise applications. Thus, the industry offers huge opportunities for software developers.

More than 30% of the application users are caregivers. So, the caregivers take full advantages of the mobile application in improving their careers. A huge decrease in burnout increases the efficiency of physicians. Thus, the overall impact of healthcare mobile apps is very impressive for the global healthcare .

Final Takeaway

The healthcare mobile apps are very useful for all stakeholders of the healthcare industry including, doctors, physicians, caregivers, patients, and enterprises. The industry is growing exponentially during the past few years. Mobile apps offer:

  • Physician efficiency
  • Diagnostic accuracy
  • Effective patient care
  • Impressive industry growth
  • Career opportunities for software engineers
  • Improved healthcare wellness

Is everything good with mobile health applications?

 Mobile Health Application

Mobile health applications are taking a lot of human responsibility and storing them in cyberspace vulnerable to data thefts. Given thousands of mobile health applications available in the market, only a handful of them are FDA approved. Lack of regulation is a big threat to mobile health applications which may do more harm than good.

Most of the app developing companies does not conduct adequate tests in the patient communities before releasing them in the market. There are indications that app development companies should seek FDA approval.

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