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Suppressing Urine may increase chances of sex induced UTI

It has been observed that just after beginning to have sex regularly many women complain of suffering from urinary tract infections. Though there are treatments that relive a woman from this disease and discomfort, it can spread to the inner sex organs and cause damage. Science says that having sex with a new partner can lead to urinary tract infection in women as the bacteria that cause it may spread from the male partner to the female.

Many believed that urinating right before and after having sex reduces the risk of contracting UTI but a recent scientific study has proved it to be wrong. Deliberate urination can do more harm than good.

What is Urinary Tract Infections?

 Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections or UTI is a special type of infectious disease caused by some particular bacteria like E. coli. The infection can travel up to a woman’s urethra and bladder. In such a condition, it will be called cystitis. In more severe cases, the infection quickly spreads to the uterus and the kidneys. It is believed that women are more prone to getting UTI than men.

The main reason behind this is that the urinary track of women is shorter in length than that of men. Women often use diaphragm and spermicide as contraception, which increases the chances of getting UTI. Regular and intense sexual activities may also lead to the problem. The main symptoms of urinary track infection include the urge of urinating often, pain in pelvic region, cloudy or bloody urination and burning sensation when you urinate. Antibiotics are used for treatment.

What is the connection between sex and UTI?


Sex is the easiest way the bacteria can get in touch with a woman’s urinary track. When a man inserts his penis into the woman, he unwittingly passes on some bacteria. The bacteria then spread from the vagina and anus to the urethra and bladder. It can also reach vital organs like the uterus and kidneys. Curing the infection can be very difficult in that case.

According to a study, around 80% of women in their pre-menopause have confessed having sex just before contracting UTI. Using diaphragm as a mode of contraception does not let the bladder get completely empties and leads to contraction of the infection. You should not stop having sex to reduce the risk. Sex is not the cause of UTI, but the conductor. If you have incurred urinary track infection, then consult the doctor immediately and take the prescribed antibiotics following their guidelines.

Forceful urination before sex can increase the risk

 Forceful urination

Wrong or incomplete information can lead to misconception that ruins health and damages life. The wide spread belief that deliberate or even forced urination just before you have sex can prevent the spread of urinary track infection is nothing but a myth. Scientists have found evidence that it can do more harm to the health of women. It has already been proved that more women are plagued by urinary tract infection than men and now scientists have also found that urinating before sex can increase risks of contraction.

According to urologist David Kaufmann, it is the biggest misconception he has encountered in his career. The UTI bacteria get pushed towards the urethra during intercourse and easily travel from there to the bladder. To prevent infection, the bacteria has to be dislodged from the urethral lining.


Urinating forcefully does not help in preventing UTI according to the result of recent researches. Women should clean their vagina after having sex and urinate to help in dislodging the bacteria.

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