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Penguin Deep Dives Astonish Scientists

Scientists funded by The National Science Foundation set up a Penguin study area near the McMurdo Station in Antarctica, it is called “Penguin Ranch”. Along with crittercam to record Penguin movements, there are also instruments to record the body temperature, heartbeat, dive depths and swim speed.
Data from the recorders show that the Penguins dove deeper than 1800 feet below the ice covering of the Antarctica Sea and could remain underwater for around 22 minutes.
Humans can dive only up to 300 feet unaided, deeper underwater exposure leads to many ailments such as decompression sickness (the bends), shallow-water blackouts and free-radical damage to tissues.
They hope that understanding the physiology of these birds to tackle deep sea pressures and low oxygen levels would in turn help in understanding the human physiology and medicine. This research is hoped to lead to medical breakthroughs in surgical procedures and anesthesia sciences.

Ref: Science Daily

Source: Fox News

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