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Bedwetting, blame it on hormones

Yes, the bedwetting your kid’s been doing of late might be related to hormonal imbalance, so do not blame him. The new study clears that it can be due to an imbalance of prostanglandin, which is a hormone like substance.

Before unearthing this finding, researchers studied about 46 bedwetting children between the ages 7 to 14. These children were further divided into two groups. Polyuric group (average output on wet nights is more than 130 percent of expected bladder capacity) and nonpolyuric (average output is less than 130 percent of expected capacity). Then these researchers concluded that children whose urine contained more sodium, urea and prostaglandin their volume of urine expanded in the bladder, resulting in bedwetting.

This finding unmasks very important information behind the bedwetting problem in children. We should hope that this finding would enable researchers to come out with an effective solution.

Image credit: keral

Via: Ivanhoe

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