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Now Low-fat milk, straight from the udder!

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If everything goes on smoothly then days are not far away when you will be able to have skim milk straight from the udder, as researchers in New Zealand are trying hard to develop a dairy herd that would naturally produce low-fat milk by 2011.

Researchers’ this move got on the track in 2001, when they found Marge, a cow naturally producing low-fat milk, during a routine screening of dairy cows and this move got further boost when milk of Marge’s offspring was also containing properties of low-fat milk. Tests have revealed that Marge’s milk contain about one per cent fat, if compared to whole milk that carries about approximately 3.5 per cent of fat.

This is quite a weird miracle that Mother Nature has thrown up and the good thing is that experts are leaving no stone unturned in deciphering this mysterious boon. Expressing views on this amazing finding Russell Snell, Vialactia’s chief scientist remarked:

Every now and then nature throws up these sorts of things and it was simply a case of us being in the right place at the right time.

If efforts being put in, come out fruitful then it would be quite good news, especially for people who either go with option of substituting milk with low fat milk or without milk.


Via: Aljazeera

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