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Nasal Flu vaccine: Effective substitute for flu shots for kids

nasal vaccine 5From now onwards kids as small as 5 years will not have to bear the pain of an injection for an ailment that’s very common yet dangerous if not taken seriously – Influenza.

The researchers at the Center for Vaccine Development have discovered a nasal spray called FluMist which is considered to be an effective substitute for the traditional flu shots.

Figures derived by the researchers show that kids immunized with FluMist are 55% less likely to fall a prey to Influenza in comparison to their flu shots treated counterparts. Moreover, it does not involve and pricking by the needle so it’s painless as well.

Kids are the most vulnerable victim of flu and it is also expected that schools are going to be the first and the worst effected by the influenza virus this year. In the light of this revelation, searching out a medication that is effective and painless at the same time is an achievement in itself.

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