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Lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle with proper nutrition

Losing weight is not an easy task. However, it can be made even more interesting with a few tips mentioned below. These tips or rather rules, would help you find out more than a few ways to lose weight and not fret about it. Read on to find out more.


Rule No. 1: Keep a check on portions

Rather than restricting the intake of certain foods altogether (which by the way is practically impossible), limit their portions significantly. This would enable you keep a close check on the serving size of the meals you eat every day. So remember, you can eat those chocolates, ice creams and cookies as long as you stick to this rule.


Rule No. 2: Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Instead of the three large meals approach everyone seems to follow, eat smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day. For instance, you can eat anywhere between 4 and 6 small meals a day. Not only will this keep you full for longer periods, but it would also reduce the frequency of hunger pangs to a great extent.


Rule No. 3: Increase intake of Protein

Adding more protein to your diet to remain energized throughout the day. You can also opt for protein rich snacks rather than the sugary foods that can leave you anxious and hyperactive after some time.


Rule No. 4: Stock up on Veggies

Vegetables contain plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for proper growth of the body. Vegetables also help you remain full for longer periods without necessarily adding on weight to your body. Other essential benefits of veggies include the prevention of conditions like diabetes, obesity, strokes, heart diseases, etc. Therefore, stock up on these bright colored veggies so that you can lose weight without straining too much.


Rule No. 5: Drink Lots and Lots of Water

The next time you feel a sudden hunger pang starting; opt to drink a few glasses of water instead of eating something. If it is a fake hunger pang, the water would subdue it effectively. Water is also the best remedy for dehydration, which can also cause you to binge frequently. Drinking plenty of water every day can also flush out harmful toxins from your body, thereby helping it lose weight and become healthier with each passing day.


Rule No. 6: Do a lot of planning beforehand

You can never achieve success without a proper plan. A plan would help you stick to your goals with determination whenever temptation beckons. So chart out a plan on what you would be eating, what you would be leaving and how much you would be eating every day. Do the planning overnight so that you can start afresh the next morning.


Rule No. 7: Say No to Fast Foods

It is time to throw all the fast food and convenient eatery food coupons out of the door. These foods are the main reasons why people put on weight in spite of trying to lose some. So stay away from these foods at all costs and save yourself from a trip to the physician in the near future.


Losing weight and gaining a healthier lifestyle can be achieved easily provided you follow your goals with determination. These rules would surely help you in your endeavor. So start today and tackle your weight loss challenges head on.

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