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Language mapping now possible before surgery

Gliomas are the most common brain tumors in adults. There is a high risk of damaging the person’s language function while resecting it. Mapping the language areas in the brain before surgery for brain tumors is a useful way to save vital language function.

Dr. Nader Sanai, a neurosurgeon of University of California San Francisco (UCSF) stated his experience of Language mapping in 250 consecutive patients with gliomas adjacent to the language pathway.

According to Dr.Sanai,

There is a threat of destructing the person’s language function after the Brain surgery.

At the time of resection of the tumor, various sites on the cortex of the brain are motivated to find the exact language sites. Some patients don’t tolerate the whole experience of being awake during the operation. Presently language mapping is only being performed at limited neurosurgery centers, like UCSF.


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