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Knowing the right diet plan for Ectomorphs

Lean Body

Ectomorphs are person who find it difficult to gain weight. People have different body types. Dr. William Sheldon put forward this concept in 1940. According to him, there are three different body types. Some people have soft, unathletic body prone to accumulate fat. He called them endomorphs. The second types are mesomorphs, people who have strong athletic and muscular frame. The third category, called etomorphs, is of people who are unathletic, skinny and carry very little muscle mass. Such people have narrow shoulders, thin long limbs and a fast metabolic rate, making it difficult for them to gain weight. They need high calorie diet to build muscle mass.

Diet rich in carbohydrates 

Ectomorphs need to eat many carbohydrates to increase their calorie intake. Eat unrefined complex carbohydrates that are good for health. They should take brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, sweet potatoes and other starchy vegetables. Around 50 percent of daily nutrition should be from complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy for bodybuilding workouts.

Protein intake 

Protein helps in building muscles. It is necessary to take proteins in order to add lean mass. Stick to lean source of protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, and lean cuts of beef and lamb. Your 30 percent diet should consist of proteins. Aim to take about 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight.

Fats for extra calories 

Fats play an important role in the body. They lubricate the cells in the body; keep skin and hair soft and supple. Have some fat with every meal you eat to gain extra calories. Avoid food with high saturated fat as they will clog the arteries and increase your risk of heart related disease. Go for omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids. They are found in fish, flaxseed oil, nuts, and eggs. Use olive oil liberally. Fats should form about 20 percent of your diet.

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