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Is Cigarette injurious or good for health?

We think nicotine, which comes in form of Cigartte, is injurious for health, but recently one news company has announced that Nicotine could also stop causes of death.

As a cigarette, thousands of people are dying in US. Immunologist Luis Ulloa has found that nicotine can reverse this condition named Sepis, which kills approx 250,000 Americans in a year.

Immune cells send some chemical messengers named cytokines, when our body, respond on any infection. These cytokines force a blood to clot. This will help not to spread threatening material in whole body. People get confused in the early stage of Sepis, and this is cause of fever and rapid heart attack. Therefore, this nicotine makes immune system strong.

According to previous studies, smokers get less infection of another disease of immune system, called Ulcerative colitis, whereas non-smoker is easily infected.

Researchers are doing research to use this nicotine as an anti-inflammatory for sepsis, at North Shore University Hospital in Long Island.

Via : science

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