Who amongst us does not crave for a cup of aromatic tea or a cup of sizzling hot coffee in the morning? You might prefer the former over the latter or vice versa. But, the basic premise is that both coffee and tea, besides being a source of antioxidants, can also act as pick me ups. Hence, it is only natural that we cannot declare one to be better without looking at all attributes of these beverages.
It is said that, tea is the most consumed drink after water. Tea is processed by putting treated Camellia sinensis leaves in boiled water. Tea contains a group of antioxidants called flavonoids, commonly known as plant pigment and shows anti-allergic and anti inflammatory activities. Furthermore, tea drinking has been associated with cell mediated immune functions of the human body.
Tea, a healthy drink:
Studies on tea have shown promising results and suggest that besides being a storehouse of antioxidants, it helps reduce cholesterol levels. Tea drinking also lowers the risk of neurological diseases, allergies, and even fights ovarian and breast cancers to some extent. Regular intake of green tea also defers, if not prevents, the onset of heart diseases as tea improves the functioning of endothelial cells, which prevent clogging of arteries.
Diseases tea fight:
There are a few herbal teas like Chinese herbal tea, which contain authentic tea leaves with extra spices. Processing tea leaves sometimes decreases the amount of antioxidants in it. Hence, researchers recommend green tea as it does not require a lot of processing and manages to retain a large amount of its natural antioxidants. According to studies, both black tea and green tea help lower the risk of ovarian cancer. Both these varieties contain antioxidants, namely catechins which carry anti-tumouric, anti-mutagenic.
Best tea to drink:
Different types of teas are available with its benefits. The most popular is the green tea which is said to increase the metabolic rates and thus can help us shed some kilos. It also has a soothing effect on body because of the presence of L- Theanine amino acid. Antioxidants like catechins present in green tea prevent formation of free radicals, which damage DNA and can lead to cancer too. White tea is also useful as it is less processed and is known to boost up our immune system and even help in healing tooth decay. Red tea is high in vitamin, mineral content in and thus is considered to be a healthy beverage.
Coffee, a healthy drink:
Another popular potion is the dark hued coffee, which is prepared from the seeds of coffee beans. Coffee contains caffeine, which is seen to work on the central nervous system, can sweep away your weakness and perk you up. It is also said to improve and strengthen your memory. Coffee is another good source of antioxidants. It also contains trigonelline, an anti-bacterial compound that is responsible for its delicious flavor.
Diseases coffee fights:
So far, the studies carried out on coffee have shown contradictory results. On one hand, coffee consumption reduces the risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, liver disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, it increases the risk of acid reflux and related diseases. Caffeine content in coffee has shown positive effects in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. It can also act as an antidepressant. The antioxidant in coffee diminishes free radicals which are said 2 damage cell.
Drinking coffee the healthy way:
To gain the benefits of coffee in a healthy way, it is better to prepare it with a low calorie sweetener and skimmed milk. It is recommended that you should not drink more than four 8-ounce cups of coffee in a day. If you have blood pressure abnormalities, then keep caffeine away from your diet as it can shoot up your blood pressure unwantedly.
Both tea and coffee help our purpose of staying healthy if consumed in moderate quantities. But when it comes to antioxidants, tea undoubtedly has an edge over coffee. At the same time, coffee works better as a stimulant because of the presence caffeine in a large amount. But there is more to coffee than just caffeine. A few negative aspects of coffee like causing acidity and dehydrating the body leading to headaches make tea a popular choice among people. Even though there are no mandatory rules when it comes to beverages, tea lovers should ideally continue with their addiction and others might just want to try out this new beverage. So without wasting anytime, sip a cup of tea and embrace your day with a warm smile.