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Hairstyles that help eliminate shedding

Young woman with casual messy bun hairdo

Every woman dreams to have perfect, thick, long and lustrous hair but only a few manage to have beautiful hair that they dream to have, as nagging hair fall comes in the way. Hair loss today has become a common problem, as millions of women sadly suffer from this distressing phenomenon. The heart aches to see a comb full of hair, hair stuck on clothes, or hair coming in hand whenever you pass fingers through them. Women love to grow hair but as soon as their hair gain length, they start breaking, in fact the rate of breakage sometimes become more than the growth rate. As there are several reasons for the hair fall, so are there several methods to keep hair fall at bay. One of the many methods is the protective hairstyle.

Protective hairstyles are the Holy Grail for women who want to save themselves from hair shedding. Protective hairstyle is one that helps reduce hair shedding and breakage, as it reduces hair tangling. Such hairstyles protect the hair ends by hiding them from exposure, which eventually prevents hair fall. There is a myth about protective hairstyle that they enable hair grow fast, which is not true. These hairstyles do not help hair grow fast but certainly reduce breakage and shedding. If you also are worried about your hair then click through to find some of the best and highly effective protective hairstyles that can take away your worry and give you healthy long hair.

Braid and Tuck

This protective hairstyle is not just good for hair fall but is good for your time as well because it is super easy and quick to make. Apply olive oil or a styling gel to make your hair soft and manageable. Now start from either side, make a simple three strand braid and then tuck it with a pin in hair at the back of your head. Repeat same procedure on the other side as well. Roll the hair left in the back of your head and tuck them inside with the help of bobby pins, and your hairstyle is done. You know you can make this hairstyle a night before and it will look as good and not messy the next morning as well.

High Bun

High bun is probably the most suitable hairstyle for curly hair, and other hair types as well. It is easy to do, and looks stunning. You only have to ensure that the sides are smooth and well moisturized. Do not gather hair too tightly, as pulling hair tight causes severe breakage. Therefore, gather hair loosely and then secure them with bob pins.

Flat Twists

Flat twists look elegant and is a protective hairstyle altogether. This hairstyle looks good on natural and relaxed hair textures. Start with parting hair from the hairline back to the nape of the neck; use the end of rat-tail comb for parting. Take one section and begin with a small section of hair, and divide that section in two parts. Now start twisting those two parts starting from the hairline to the back. While going back, keep incorporating hair from the section and likewise, twist all hair in one section. While twisting make sure you do not pull hair too tight and hurt the hair follicles.

Twisted Low Bun

This hairstyle is for the ones who are not quite comfortable with the high bun or the braid look. Twisted low bun is super elegant and protects the hair ends perfectly. It looks equally good on freshly washed hair and even two days old hair, and is quick to make.


Hair fall is a nagging phenomenon that troubles women at large, but protective hairstyles are like a ray of hope, which help eliminate shedding and are stunning in looks.

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