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Global ADHD drug use almost triples since 1993

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A recent study conducted by professionals at the University of Berkeley reveals that the use of drugs to treat ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has almost tripled since 1993.

Alarmingly, the study says that over the next decade, they expect increased spending on drugs used to treat the disorder. Even more alarmingly, Richard Scheffler, who coordinated and led the research, predicts that ADHD could ‘become the leading childhood disorder treated with medications across the globe.’ The research found that while just 31 countries were using drugs to treat ADHD in 1993, that figure has risen to 55 in 2003.

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What exactly is ADHD? Typically children diagnosed with ADHD are found to be lacking in concentration, prone to distraction and more hyperactive and impulsive than other children their age. Around one in 25 children in the US are estimated to be on medication for ADHD. Usually, the easiest way to treat ADHD is through the use of amphetamines although experts are divided in their opinion that such use of heavy drugs might be detrimental to the child’s overall health in the long run. Although a drug called Ritalin sold by Novartis was usually the standard treatment, research has thrown up newer, more expensive but long-acting medications such as Concerta by Johnson & Johnson and Strattera produced by Eli Lilly and Company.

The US continues to account for a staggering 83% of all prescriptions for ADHD but Scheffler warns that ADHD is spreading across cultures and recommends that cost of medications for its treatment be kept to a minimum.

Via: Yahoo News

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