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Hey Man! Too much of Hot-Bath is Injurious to your Fertility!

After a three-year-study, US researchers declare that sopping wet in hot tub may reduce hot bath 2282men’s fertility. The study brings the verity into light that men should steer clear of ‘overheating’ their sperms.

Correspondingly, the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology reports assert that heat from laptop and sporting skin-tight underwear may cause infertility in males.

Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, also affirm that ‘wet heat’ can become a major cause of improper fertility.
The study included an experiment, wherein the finding became apparent. Some men were exposed to wet-heat through hot baths, Jacuzzis or hot tubs for over 30 minutes per week. Men, who were kept out of bath for about three to six weeks, turned out to be evidence of five-fold improvement in their sperm-count. Incredibly, cutting-out-baths escalated their sperm-motility from 12% to 34%. Males showing no progress were chronic smokers.

Cool surroundings are, thus the best way for the proper development of sperms. The fact that the testicles are situated outside the man’s body within the scrotum justifies the above statement.

Via – zeenews

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