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Gallstone diet


Gallstone Diet is the solution to treating gallstone problems and issues. The diet works as an agent which helps in washing away gallstones from your body. Eating from natural sources can help you decrease the symptoms and pain from development of gallstones. In the earlier stages of gallstone development, the particular diet can prove highly beneficial as it can prevent gallstones from developing.

Gallstone Diet

The diet is designed to cater the needs of patients suffering from gallstone development. Kidney stones are usually washed away with high amount of water intake along cranberries. By following this diet, you can save yourself from gallbladder surgery.

7 Essential Tips for Gallstone Diet

Cholesterol and Fats Gallstones are caused due to excessive consumption of cholesterol and fats. You must avoid foods that are rich in fats and cholesterol. You must restrict yourself to 30g of fat/day for the first 3 weeks of this diet.

Vegetables and Fruits
Having vegetables and fruits in large amount can help a great deal in this diet. It is recommended to consume raw ones rather than cooked ones. They contain plenty of water content and soluble fiber. These elements naturally cleanse the human body. Start with 5 servings of fruits and veggies for the first few days.

Whole Grains
You can snack on whole-grain products as much as you want. You can eat all kinds of cereals prepared from whole grains. Whole-grain cereal contains 5g fiber per serving. However, you must keep in mind that you are not allowed to eat white bread. Opt for whole-grain bread.

Dairy If you are a milk lover then you might have to change your eating habits. You must switch to skim milk and fat-free milk products. Don’t drink whole milk or eat products made from whole milk. Cheese spreads, sour cream, and whole milk cheese are some of the other items to exclude from this diet. You can have 2 cups of fat-free dairy per day.

Protein It is an essential nutrient for the human body. You can eat meat but it is better to know which source to go for. You can choose from lunch meat, lean cuts of beef, lean pork, and poultry. Avoid eating fatty meats. Always prefer grilled meat over fried.

Drinks Having coffee or soft drinks is absolutely fine until you don’t have a habit to drink a glass of water after drinking them. Water is the best option when it comes to drinks. It is a natural gallstone flusher and keeps optimal levels of body functions.

Desserts Unlike all other diets, Gallstone Diet allows you to eat desserts such as fruit ice, nonfat yogurt, sherbet, and angel food cake. You must avoid desserts such as chocolate, pies, cakes, and cookies. These desserts are filled with a fat content that causes the development of stones in the kidney.

You can prevent gallstones from developing by following the above mentioned 7 essential tips on Gallstone Diet.

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