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Gallbladder diet

healthy food

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ with an important mission in the body – collecting and storing bile, the fluid that helps digest fats.

Gallbladder isn’t really an organ that keeps the body healthy and functioning. Most people are unaware of the problem until things are out of control and they need to have their bladder removed. The only symptoms some people might complain about are nausea, vomiting, bloating or abdominal pain.

Unfortunately 1/2 million people has their gallbladder removed annually because of unhealthy diet.

Gallstones risk factors

Diet does not cause nor will treat gallbladder problems, but it helps prevent the formation of gallstones before things are critical.

Gallbladder problems are mostly genetic, women are twice as likely to have gallstones than men.
Also obesity is another risk factor as people that are obese tend to eat a lot of fats and cholesterol until the gallbladder can’t do it’s role.

Crash diets that promises to make you look fit overnight are to be avoided. They will only cause the liver to release more cholesterol disrupting the function of the gallbladder.

Healthy foods for a gallbladder diet

No matter if you have been diagnosed with a gallbladder problem or you are just looking out for your health and prevention tips, here are a few healthy guidelines to improve the function of the gallbladder.

For an unlimited period of time try to keep your diet low in fat and cholesterol, but high in fibers. Eat more:

– Fresh fruits and vegetables
– Whole grains (brown rice, whole-wheat bread)
– Lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood
– Low-fat diary

Foods to avoid in the gallbladder diet

Gallbladder symptoms are caused by a lifestyle of overindulgence in carbohydrates and saturated fats. To correct this unhealthy eating habits you must avoid the following:

– Fried food
– Heavily processed foods (doughnuts, pie, cake)
– Whole-milk diary
– Red meat or pork

Unfortunately gallstones already developed can’t be dissolved by a change in your diet, but this can surely help ease the symptoms of a gallbladder attack.

In the search of a healthier way of life that has a deep impact on your health we advise you to consider regular exercising. If you have weight issues it’s better to lose the extra fat gradually, 1-2 pound per week.

Remember that if no matter what you eat the symptoms continue, you should consult your doctor right away. Health is the most important thing and we must do what it takes to protect it !

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