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Flat Tummy Diet

Fat Tummy Diet

All of you who have gained excessive fats must take a step immediately before it’s too late. Flat Tummy Diet and exercise can help you erase the unwanted fats from your body. You will find detailed discussion on the particular diet in this article.

Let’s start with some useful tips:

  • The key is to drink a lot of water. It is must to drink a glass of water before eating every meal. It helps in washing nasty toxins from your internal system.
  • 3 regular meals a day should be ensured.
  • 2 snacks between the meals can be eaten.
  • Never overeat.
  • Keep yourself away from sugary and fatty foods.

Flat Tummy Diet Foods

Increase the intake of fresh veggies and fruits day by day. Use minimum amount of salt while preparing meals. Mint should be used in preparation of different meals. It helps in weight loss. Stay away from high carbs foods such as potato, chapattis, rice, etc. It is good to choose breads that are made from wholegrain.

Dairy products are rich in fats. You should avoid eating all dairy products such as cheese and butter. Honey is able to kill fats elements in the body. You can add 1tbs honey in warm water along lemon juice to have a nourishing drink in the breakfast. Eating cabbage is another way of naturally reducing weight. Carrot juice is a well known remedy for excessive weight.

Other Foods for Flat Tummy Diet

  • Apple – It is rich in fiber but low in calories. It is the perfect choice to include in this diet plan. It also contains several minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Eating an apple before a meal will reduce calorie’s intake by 15%.
  • Ginger – It improves the digestive system. You will experience reduction in cholesterol levels with regular usage of ginger. It also helps in losing weight.
  • Pear – It is also rich in fiber content and enables your diet to become more effective.

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