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Educated victims are more affected by Dementia

memory loss among educated
Dementia can prove to be detrimental to your health. Forgetting basic tasks can be pretty bad. It seems like dementia hits the educated folks harder than less educated ones. This is because less educated folks with dementia manage to ‘mask’ the disease.

Well, what Dementia exactly is? It is not a disease by itself. But, it’s a combo of symptoms that characterize certain diseases and conditions. These are mostly related to memory loss. The condition occurs due to protein deposit in the brain. Now I know what the dude in the movie Memento was talking about when he kept on saying he had a condition. He always wrote things down and tattooed stuff in order to remember. He probably had dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease is probably a common cause of this disease. In the UK about 500 cases are regularly diagnosed. Among the educated folks who have been victims of Dementia are novelist likeIris Murdoch, the author and broadcaster Bernard Levin, who died three years ago. This really makes me sad. Since I have a University degree, I might become a victim of Dementia. Who knows! Perhaps, it has already started.

Medical scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Yeshiva University, New York, looked at about 117 patients with dementia. Most of these folks had formal education and had some form of university degree. Rapidly increasing memory decline occurs among the educated people. Once the symptom is diagnosed, it has been witnessed that the memory loss could happen within 3.8 years. Intelligent dementia victims with higher IQ get results at a later stage.

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