Nutritional breakthrough: 'Plumpynut' could save millions of malnutrition deaths!


There are around 20 million young children suffering from severe acute malnutrition at any given moment. Millions of children are dying the world over due to malnutrition especially in the under-developed countries where parents cannot afford to give their kids nutritious food.

Fruits, vegetables and milk that are nutritious need to be stored in refrigerators and in places that are reeling under abject poverty and cannot afford electricity, it’s hard for them to manage a wholesome meal. What, if there was a way to concoct something that is nutritious and doesn’t need electricity and water to make and could still be nutritious?

Yes! The international medical humanitarian organization ‘Doctors Without Borders’ hopes to eradicate the malnutrition deaths among children by addressing their needs with a nutritional breakthrough product called the ‘Plumpynut’.

The ‘Plumpynut’ is a nutrient-dense-ready-to-use-food (RUF) basically made of peanut butter, powdered sugar, and is enriched with enough vitamins and minerals that could fulfill the needs of the children suffering from mal-nutrition. This dense therapeutic food can be produced and stored locally and transported easily, and requires no refrigeration, making it ideal for use in hot climates. Each serving is equivalent to a glass of milk and a multi-vitamin tablet and a daily dose costs just $1.

The ‘Doctors Without Borders’ are calling on all agencies like the WHO, UNICEF and ministries of health to to address the critical issues that prevent 97% of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition from getting life-saving treatment.

With this revolutionary breakthrough, we may see happier kids surviving and thriving too!


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