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New Lucentis drug to prevent vision loss

Do you feel bogged down due to blurred vision? Don’t worry, recent studies has evinced that the new drug known as ranibizumab, or Lucentis is capable of clearing the vision that often get blurred due to age-related macular degeneration. Doctors believe that age-related macular degeneration is the No. 1 cause of blurred vision in most of the adults, especially by the time they pass by the age of 70 or 75.

After testing ranibizumab or Lucentis on several patients, doctors found 95 per cent of those patients with improved vision. The good thing about this drug is that FDA has approved it and this very feature will surely kindle a light of belief amid patients who are suffering from blurred vision. However, this medicine is expensive and it is not possible for every patient to have it.

Well, hoping that the price of this ideal medicine will come down soon, the research is quite commendable.

Image credit: tricks.onigo

Via: abcnews

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