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Dialysis diet

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What is Dialysis Diet?

The diet is specially designed for kidney patients who have dialysis treatment.

What is the reason to follow the Dialysis Diet?

Kidneys remove waste content from the human body, regulate sodium & potassium, and control fluid levels. Dialysis treatment ensures the wellness of the kidney patient by allowing kidneys to perform their tasks in a case where an individual suffers from kidney failure. The diet allows kidneys to work properly by eliminating waste content and prevent toxic levels from increasing.

Dialysis Diets Explained

Potassium, sodium, phosphorus, fluid and protein are regulated by following this diet.

Protein It is extremely important to consume for kidney patients. However, eating excessive amounts of protein can build waste content rapidly. Dialysis seems to remove healthy proteins along with waste from the body. You need to consume enough protein from sources like eggs, poultry, meat, and fish. Milk is another source to choose for protein intake.

Sodium is most commonly present in table salt. Processed and canned foods contain a high amount of sodium. Limit your intake of sodium while being on the Dialysis Diet. Use herbs to season meals rather than spices.

Potassium It is present in several vegetables and fruits. You must limit the intake of potassium because it might build up in the bloodstream. Potassium-rich foods include dried fruit, bananas, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes, and citrus fruits.

Phosphorus You must eliminate phosphorus from your diet. It is capable of extracting calcium from your bones. You may avoid eating seeds, nuts, legumes, dairy products, and meat.

Fluids Kidney patients are recommended to limit the drinking volume. Soups, dairy products, and fruits contain fluids. Have control on the volume of fluids you consume.

Tips on Dialysis Diet

  • Don’t eat too much salt
  • Opt for fresh foods rather than processed ones
  • Keep a check on your portion size
  • Eat at home
  • Use canola oil and olive oil to prepare meals
  • See label of the food products to avoid unfavorable ingredients

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