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Calorie shifting diet


Calorie Shifting Diet can be defined as the diet where an individual eats a specific combination of different foods to alternate calories intake. It is specific but not difficult to follow if you have proper guidance on it. For better understanding you may go through the detailed 3 day example Calorie Shifting Diet Plan below.

Basic Rules to Consider

  • Rule #1  Yo u should eat only till the point when your tummy is 80% full. Don’t fill it completely.
  • Rule #2  Eat small quantity 4 to 5 meals/day.
  • Rule #3 Drink PLENTY of water.

Calorie Shifting Diet Plan (Sample 3Day)

Day 1

  • Breakfast 10am  Have 1 apple, half cup roasted cashews and half cup non-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch 1:30pm   Quarter roast beef, 1 can tuna mixed with mayonnaise along steamed broccoli.
  • Snack 5:30pm   Boiled filet orange with lemon pepper. Quarter cup unsalted walnuts.
  • Dinner 8:30pm   10 small sized shrimps along cocktail sauce. Four slices of English cheddar cheese and quarter cup pinto beans.

Day 2

  • Breakfast 10am Roast beef sandwich made of 2 oat bread slices. Add tomatoes, sweet white onions, lettuce, 1tbs mayonnaise and low fat rootbeer.
  • Eat only fruits for lunch, snack and dinner. You may eat as many fruits as you like in these 3 meal timings. Eat slowly because you should not eat to the point when you are full. You can eat pears, oranges, plums and strawberries. It is recommended to mix some of the fruits to gain maximum nutrition.

Day 3

  • Breakfast 10am  Strips of smoked bacon, 2 egg omelets and skim milk.
  • Lunch 1pm  You may have big salad for lunch. Prepare it with inclusion of tomato, sliced red pepper, sweet onion, lettuce, sliced zucchini, vinaigrette, cubed roast ham and boneless chicken.
  • Snack 5pm  Have root beer along albacore tuna. Add 2tbs mayonnaise and 3 roast beef slices.
  • Dinner 8:30pm  Have a light dinner. Eat 1 hardboiled egg. You may use the egg to make pastrami slices.

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