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Aspirin may turn out to be a panacea for Enlarged Prostate!

The problem of enlarged prostate can be tackled by the patients using aspirin. The condition of enlarged prostate called BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) by doctors.

As per the study, taking aspirin everyday reduces the chance of enlarged prostate with men’s aging. Such men have 25 percent less symptoms of enlarged prostate.

According to Researcher Jennifer St. Sauver and colleagues, using inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen etc development of enlarged prostate can be reduced to the minimum.

The study also states that on one hand, these drugs are helping to heal heart and stroke risks and on the other hand also leading to problems like stomach irritation, bleeding and ulcers. Thus, patients must seek doctor’s advice before using these drugs.

The results of study depicts that aspirin proved to be the most effective anti-inflammatory for diagnosing enlarged prostate.


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