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Anti cancer diet

Cancer Diet

Cancer is one of the most vulnerable diseases. Cancer patients need immense medical care and diet control. Cancer is becoming highly prevalent. It has become necessary for us to take some precautions in order to stay away from this life threatening disease. Anti Cancer Diet is being followed by many people around the world.

Anti Cancer Diet

The diet can be followed by anyone. The diet is good for cancer patients as well as normal individuals who wish to prevent cancer development. Here are 7 steps to success when you are looking to avoid the threat of being open to cancer.

Animal Products – Fowl, eggs, meat, fish and dairy products belong to the particular category. You must stop consuming all animal products. These products raise cholesterol and unhealthy fat level.

– Refined and Processed Foods
– You must avoid eating processed and refined foods such as white flour pasta, white bread, cakes, candies and cookies. Studies have proven that there is a direct relation between simple carbs and colon cancer. You must learn to reduce the consumption of these foods.

Refined Vegetable Oils – Olive oil is not healthy if consumed excessively. It contains high amount of fat content which delivers no nutritional value.

– Dieters are recommended to eat nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables as much as they can. Salads should be the main intake in this diet. You should eat 2 big salads per day. Broccoli and cabbage are known to be the powerful options from the vegetable category.

– Eating steamed vegetables is considered as the best option. It provides antioxidants and phytochemicals. Dieters are recommended to eat 1pound cooked veggies per day.

– Eating 5 pieces of fruit per day is a must on this diet.

– You must try to do exercise for 3hours a week. Morning walk should be considered compulsory.

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