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Ankylosing spondylitis diet

Ankylosing spondylitis diet Plan

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a form of arthritis which effects spine. It causes intermittent flare ups and inflammation which leads to severe pain in spinal joints. The reason for AS to develop is unknown to date. Genetic connection is somehow suspected for AS to occur among humans. Health experts have developed Ankylosing Spondylitis Diet to cope with the particular disease.

Foods to Eliminate

The basic idea behind elimination of foods is to identify the food allergies and sensitivities for an individual. Food sensitivities differ from individual to individual. Consuming these food items causes inflammation to increase. Dieters are recommended to eliminate these foods for at least 3 weeks.

Some of the most common allergenic foods include wheat, peppers, red meat, sugar, tomatoes, gluten, dairy, caffeine, corn, eggs and eggplant. Dieter is allowed to bring these foods back into his/her diet after 3weeks. Bringing 1 food back in 1 day is the ideal scenario.

See whether the symptoms have started to disappear or not. If the symptoms have not vanished then it’s better to continue with the diet without addition of previously eliminated foods.

Foods to Include

Dieters are recommended to include foods which are rich in plant sterols. It is a substance that improves immune system. Foods rich in plant sterol include eggs, seeds, vegetables, virgin olive oil, fresh fish, sea food, soy, legumes, nuts and other healthy fats. You are advised to include fiber rich foods to bind toxins and eliminate them safely.

Foods containing natural probiotics such as yogurt, kombucha tea and kefir are excellent to include in this diet. Consumption of few foods can lead to worsening of the AS condition. You need to watch the intake of salt, zinc, alfalfa and copper. Ankylosing Spondylitis Diet suggests the patients to avoid eating from low protein, low fat and low calorie food menus.

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