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Adhd diet


Humans need to ensure appropriate diet in order to cope with any illness. ADHD Diet is the best way to treat this disease. Proper diet leads to quick recovery along regular medication. ADHD develops in humans due to deficiency of nutrition. Allergies can be another reason for ADHD to develop in human beings.



The diet works on the principle of eliminating certain food items which cause the disease to make patient’s condition worse. By removing these foods, your body is able to fight with the symptoms of ADHD in a better way which leads to quick recovery. ADHD patients are usually sensitive to sugar and foods containing sugar. Carbonated beverages, fruits and fast food are rich in sugar content so avoiding them must be the main task.

Here is a list of foods to ignore when following ADHD Diet.

Food Coloring
– All the foods which cause allergies must be removed from your diet plan. Allergies tend to cause immense discomfort for ADHD sufferers. Most of the readymade foods contain artificial coloring. Dieters must avoid eating these foods.

Caffeine – All kinds of stimulants should be avoided to reduce symptoms of ADHD. Caffeine may affect badly to one individual and may not to another individual. All caffeinated beverages such as Coke, Pepsi and energy drinks must be eliminated from your diet plan.

Sugar – Children suffering from ADHD seem to get hyperactive after consuming sugary foods. Nutritionists recommend patients to stay away from sugary foods such as pastries, candy and other junk foods. By eliminating sugar from ADHD Diet, you will be able to see significant change and improvement in your condition.

Processed Foods
– Dieters are recommended to avoid junk food. Anything wrapped in a cellophane paper must be ignored. Processed foods are rich in carbs, artificial colors, artificial flavors and sugar. It is important to stop consuming all these ingredients. You are allowed to consume juices after diluting them.

Guidelines of ADHD Diet

The diet is supposed to be rich in protein. You can eat beans, eggs, cheese, nuts and meat for maximum protein intake. You can consume these options in breakfast or lunch. Medication is able to have longer effect with supply of protein to the body.

Reduction in consumption of simple carbohydrates must be considered. Reduce the intake of sugar, honey, corn syrup, candy, white rice, potatoes and white flour.

Complex carbohydrates are good to consume. You may depend on vegetables and fruits such as pears, apples, kiwi, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit. All these fruits must be consumed after dinner because they will ensure a good night sleep.

Omega 3 fatty acids
are essential to consume in ADHD Diet. They can be attained by eating salmon, tuna, other cold water fishes, olive oil, canola oil, walnuts and brazil nuts. You may take omega 3 fatty acid supplements. Fish is a good option to include in your diet to gain omega 3. Other options are flaxseed oil, bread and milk.

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