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Borderline diabetes diet

Diet food

Borderline Diabetes is a condition when blood sugar level is more than normal. However, the condition cannot be labeled as type 2 diabetes. Borderline diabetes tends to develop into type 2 diabetes if not treated properly. The best way to treat this disease is to follow appropriate diet.

There are 3 main food categories to concentrate when you are looking to follow Borderline Diabetes Diet.

Borderline Diabetes Diet

Fiber – It is an effective ingredient which helps in digestion of sugar and fat. According to ADA, high fiber can help in prevention of type 2 diabetes. You may depend on beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, bran and berries. You may include fiber supplements in your diet.

Organic Foods
– The major change in your diet will be to introduce more and more organic food items. Eating lesser artificial and processed foods must be the primary aim of dieters. Fruits and veggies should make up 50% of the total intake on this diet. You may cook them in olive oil.

Salads and homemade baked entries are good to include. Bran cereal and yogurt with fresh fruit is an excellent breakfast option.

Meat must be low fat, fresh and skinless. Don’t consume meat marinade because they are rich in sugar. It is recommended to boil, bake or grill the meat rather than frying it.

White flour and white sugar must be avoided. The best alternative is to include whole grains, bran and brown rice. Complex carbs must make 25% intake of your diet.

Don’t consume any prepackaged meals.

Skim milk
should be preferred over whole milk. Low fat cheese and plain yogurt are good to include in your diet.

Water – You must learn to get rid of addiction to soft drinks and other unhealthy beverages. Water must be your only choice when it comes to satisfying your thirst. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily to stay fit.

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