Technology in medical innovation that is shaping the future

Grow with Dr Prem

The evolution of technology innovations has created a positive impact and changed the face of most of the industries in recent times. Technology has changed the way we shop, travel, pay, the way we communicate, and even the way we behave. One of the most critical advancement that has become a boon to mankind is the technology advancements in the health care industry. Technology has transformed almost all aspects of health care – right from patient registrations and data monitoring, lab tests, research and treatments. Thanks to the far-reaching progress in technology, it is now possible to provide faster, cheaper and efficient health care to the patients than ever before. Some of the technological advancements currently used in the healthcare industry are:

Electronic Health Records (EHR)


In the present day, we consume and communicate all the information digitally. Medicine is an information rich discipline and a digital healthcare infrastructure makes the flow of this information seamless. Electronic records transform the way healthcare is delivered. EHRs enable quick access to patient records with their complete medical history which supports in making an accurate diagnosis and providing a safer and more reliable prescription which is electronically sent to the pharmacy. It is also reduces the hassle of filling forms by patients.

Google glass and other wearable technology

Brian Ho

Wearable technology, though being a relative new concept, is fast gaining popularity in many industries including healthcare. Wearable technology like Google Glass can provide both the patient and the practitioner an enhanced experience. A doctor can interact with the patient while pulling out the medical information using Google Glass. It could also serve as a real time education to the medical students if a surgeon is wearing Google Glass while performing the surgery. Opportunities for telemedicine could also be explored using Google Glass allowing doctors to provide medical care remotely.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

Ingestible sensors

This smart pill

This might be ‘hard to swallow’ for some, but ingestible or digestible sensors are a reality which have been tested extensively and approved. This smart pill has a micro sensor made of copper and magnesium, which is swallowed with water. This pill then starts sending signals to a battery powered patch that is worn on the patient’s torso which then transmits data to a smart phone via Bluetooth. These sensors send all the physiological data of the patient completely eliminating the need of blood test, x-rays and painful biopsies. Scientists are now working on nano-sensors that enter the blood stream and sends notifications on a smartphone in case there are signs of an infection or an impending heart attack.

3D printing

3D printing prosthetics

3D printing which was originally used to create cheap and quick prototypes could now revolutionize the healthcare industry. 3D printers are already being used successfully in making hearing aids, dental work and prosthetics, which can be made of plastic and customized to the specific needs of the patient quickly and in an inexpensive way. What the future holds is something remarkable and flabbergasting. Research is ongoing to print blood vessels and heart tissues, skin, stem cells and other organs.

These are only some of the technology innovations that are used in health care and there are many more underway which will completely change the way we look at healthcare for good. It is very clear that we are entering a new era of healthcare as the latest technology continues to give the medicine industry a new horizon. These high tech health care solutions offered to the patients promise a significantly improved quality of life and managing their medical need easily and effectively.


Innovations can change the way medical treatment is done in the world today and it could cause such a positive streak in healthcare. Implementing these rare technologies is the challenge that has to be met today.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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