If someone was to tell you today that the way we see medical technology is poised to change in every sense within the near future… how would you react? You are very likely to accept it, given the rapid changes in technology that are taking place. But what about if someone told you that robots would replace doctors in the future?
Many experts in the medical fraternity stated shock when technology gurus around the world predicted that soon enough, medical practice would be handled by robots. In fact, during a health innovation summit that took place in San Francisco a few weeks ago, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems looked up present day situations and predicted on broad patient databases and research that better treatments plans would be made available in the future with the help of robots. Quite obviously, this would bring out huge leaps in healthcare and robots could do the job better than humans.
Robots vs Doctors
The whole background of diagnosis and treatment would be controlled by devices that have algorithms fed into them. Robots with artificial intelligence would be able to provide analysis that depends data, and make an objective assessment. Many of these practices cannot be done today because doctors cannot have embedded procedures about healthcare. In such a scenario, it looks like many of the diagnosis and treatment methods would be controlled by software that looks up algorithms to predict reactions and status.
Quite obviously, many in the industry would dismiss such claims. On the contrary, present day radiologists are pushing away the thought of computers eating up their market – the obvious reason being reduced exposure to radiation.
It may seem like a step towards the technological side, but the fact is that humans drive on emotions as well. So in many cases, we may take an illogical decision that is powered by emotion instead of a recommended method. This gap would definitely be reduced with the coming of robots in the medical space. The most common ailments would be treated based on simple medical backgrounds and the simple machine based logic would drive all the experience that makes it a better working system.
Cold hearted machines
Yes, many would argue that there would a cold hearted approach to ailments and conditions because of this, but the fact is that the chances of better decisions being taken would be better and that is what would be chosen at the end of the day. The factor that machines do not have to fight back love when it comes to treatment of a child or a loved one speaks volumes!
There would be choice between both worlds and anyone would want to choose a safer path to better health. Medical technology has come up through several ranks in the recent past. Most machines that have come through the last 10 years are available for lesser prices today thanks to further developments in technology.
Would doctors retain jobs?
The fact being that robots are great mundane specialists and can overcome any task that is to be done repeatedly, such that they achieve perfection when it is something done in that manner. However, experienced doctors who have seen the entire cycle of conditions and diseases would be able to retain their position simply because communication in this space too is vitally important – one place where the robots would not be able to overtake a human (at least we think).
Would we be ready to accept a future that brings about such a quick change from humans to robots? Would we accept an algorithm to diagnose us and understand what our ailments are? In all likelihood, the answer would be a yes.