The best thing about the no-cost-attached social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Four Square are that anyone can use them for business promotion and marketing. They are free and the possibilities of business growth they offer are immense. There are no boundaries. The boundaries have to be decided by you, the proprietor of your business.
Social media gives equal opportunity to both the big business houses and the small ones. You can build an image for your business with the help of the social media. A great image leads to the creation of a brand. A brand is something that is recognized instantly and revered by the consumers. Apple, Coke and Reebok – all are internationally acclaimed brands and each of them is recognized by us, the consumers, for their unique and distinctive qualities. Optimum use of social media will help you create a brand name for your business by informing the consumers about the distinctive identity of your products.
Some Great Tips for Creating and Promoting Your Business Brand:
1. Define your brand: A clear idea about the image that you want to create and promote through the social media is what will help you actually do it. This means that every minute detail pertaining to your brand image has to be decided before you start your online and offline promotion campaigns. The colors, logo, designs, styles and the messages you want to convey should be consistent and all your campaigns have to be well synchronized. For example, if your target audience is the college going crowd and you are using peppy colors like bright fuchsia, blue and yellow in your campaigns, then all of your social media accounts should use these colors and talk the way the youngsters like it.
2. Show-off your knowledge: Brand images are often linked with problem solving skills in relevant matters. So, if you have a designer clothes shop and you are trying to promote it with the help of social media marketing, then you have to be able to answer the questions of your prospective clients regarding dressing and accessorizing. The more skills you can demonstrate through your Twitter and Facebook responses, the better will be the chances of consumer loyalty. Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field with the help of good content. You can also make audio-visual clips, where you talk about a certain problem that the consumers face every day and show them how your products can eliminate it.
3. Pick and Choose wisely: There are lots of social media sites, but you need not join them all. Just joining a bulk load of social media sites is not enough. You need to interact properly with your existing clientele and prospective customers. The utilization of a handful of effective social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Four Square, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. is enough for building your own brand.