Dell Inspiron 23 has big dreams for desktop computing

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Dell has always been praised for its excellent range of all-in-one PCs, but it still continues to strive and offer even better and refined models for the users. The market for tech products is expanding as more people are now opting for newer versions of desktop PCs for workplace and home.

 Dell Inspiron 23 (5)

To cater efficiently to the changing demands of its clientele, Dell has marketed an upbeat and polished version of Inspiron PC. The Dell Inspiron may not be a groundbreaking invention but it has surely helped Del up its game and stay ahead of the competition. The Inspiron 23 has several brilliant specs and stunning feature combined with a sleek and slim body.

How it looks?

 Dell Inspiron 23 (2)

The Inspiron 23 is a sturdy yet sleekly built all in one PC that has revived some of the old school characteristics. Many PC users are accustomed to these features and feel uncomfortable in using a new age laptop or PC. The Dell Inspiron 23 has a 23-inch touch screen that allows ten finger user input. The touch screen offers 1080p picture resolution.

Users who need VGA in and AV in along with Touchscreen should get this all in one PC. The panel in its back has an AV input for both video and audio input and also a HDMI port. One can connect this device with their old PCs, VCRs and even gaming consoles according to necessity.

The Dell Inspiron 23 has bridged the gap between new and older generations of PCs. The several ports that it has got enables users to connect it with both vintage and modern PC devices. Another plus point of the Inspiron 23 model is that it can be tilted backwards. The flexibility of the device makes it perfect for people who work from home.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

How it performs?

 Dell Inspiron 23 (1)

Dell always includes a GPU in its all in one PC models. The Inspiron 23 has AMD Radeon HD 8690A with 2 GB of GDDR5 memory. May be the memory is not suitable for heavy load of work but it is still good for light gaming and work from home purposes. The Inspiron 23 has also got 12 GB RAM, 1 TB spinning drive and 32 GB solid state drive. This model consists of total six USB ports for the mobile and tablet devices. The design may not be much flexible but the Inspiron 23 is both functional and pragmatic.

Seeing the basics

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According to Dell, no other 23-inch PC can match the sleekness of the Inspiron 23. The main challenge for Inspiron 23 is that it is getting compared with the other superior models manufactured by Dell. The price of the Inspiron 23 is $1,399, which is too steep for most buyers. By spending $200 more the users can get Dell’s XPS 27.

This model offers a much better 2,560×1440 pixel picture resolution and 27 inch screen. A major con that users will have to face with the Inspiron 23 is that it does not have any optical drive such as BlueRay.

Users will find it difficult to work on the Inspiron 23 while they are reclining or standing. Inspiron 23 does not possess a built in battery and users will not be able to move it from one place to another easily. Its high price is another obstacle that may prevent it from becoming popular among the users.


There are many likeable features of the Inspiron 23 such as the articulating stand, huge touch screen, graphics card, large memory space and six USB ports. It is flexible enough if you work sitting in front of it.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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