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Smart Tech Guide Book

The personal computer market has come a long way since its inception. Way back in 1965, Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corporation came up with an insightful observation about advances in computer technology. His prediction on how fast computing devices will evolve, is widely accepted by most people and is now known as Moore’s Law. To put it concisely, he stated that integrated circuits would double in performance every 18 months. So it is evident that a computer that you buy today will seem lackluster in a matter of two years from now if not chosen carefully.


If you plan to use your laptop/desktop for basic purposes like typing a document or watching a movie, you can safely assume that a decently priced device will serve you well. However, if you truly want to enjoy watching that movie with good sound output, it may be worthwhile to look at the kind of display it comes with and the quality of speakers on offer. Also important to observe would be the kind of media it supports. Nothing can be as frustrating as finding out that your newly bought computer isn’t compatible with your favorite collection of movies or songs.

SEO and the need for it You would have heard of search engine optimization (SEO) in relation to the promotion of your products and services. It is important to reach the right customers at the right time and through the […]

With the fourth-generation or 4G phones already hitting the markets, the demand for apps has been on the rise. 4G phones promise to take your experience to a new level and with powerful apps by your side; you can have

Ford recently unveiled its new lineage of hybrid cars including the C-Max Energi, a plug-in hybrid. The world around us, interestingly, is gearing up towards a greener future and Ford does not seem to remain behind in joining this bandwagon.

It takes a lot of time and effort to get your company’s LinkedIn group to grow big. Building such successful LinkedIn Groups is often a result of intuitive social media marketing. Here are some valuable lessons that small business owners

With more than 75 million registered users, StumbleUpon is a big name in the field of social networks. If you go on analyzing the data that many of the blogs have now started sharing regarding their earnings and the traffic

Latest research has shown that spending a considerable amount of time in space can be detrimental to one’s health. Analysts say that this could be due to micro gravity  Upon the completion of a two year study, US military researchers did

In this online era where everyone has an online presence, it is no longer surprising that even businesses are tapping on this to advertise their products and services and market their brand. Owing to the popularity of the internet, big

In this online era, technology is a word that is known to almost anyone. Technology is probably the only constant in everyone’s lives. Through the years, it has become an indispensable part of life and plays a tremendously huge role

Even if you are a real pro at social media marketing, it’s very easy to feel lost at times. However, social media marketing is not very different to traditional marketing and it still utilizes the same basic principles. By using

Being social is a good practice and it favours people irrespective of their age or gender. It can be easily noticed that a kid enjoys a company of its friends rather than sitting alone. Before the commencement of internet and

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